Names That Mean Traveler
Have you ever dreamt of tiny footprints leaving their mark on distant shores? Perhaps you envision your child with a map clutched in their hand, eyes sparkling with the thrill of discovery. If the spirit of a traveler resonates within you, this guide is your treasure map, leading you to over 150 names that capture the essence of exploration.
The world is a vast and vibrant tapestry woven with countless cultures, each with its own unique way of expressing the yearning for adventure. We’ll set sail across languages, unearthing names that sing of exploration and a restless spirit.
Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Little Explorer
Selecting a name for your child is a momentous decision. Here are some tips to guide you on your journey:
- Meaning: Consider the name’s origin and meaning. Does it resonate with your desire to instill a love of exploration in your child?
- Pronunciation: Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and spell, avoiding potential complications as your child travels the world.
- Cultural Background: If you have a particular cultural heritage you’d like to honor, explore names with meaning or origin in that language.
- Middle Names: A well-chosen middle name can complement the travel theme. Consider names of famous landmarks (Everest, Sahara), explorers (Lewis, Clark), or even compass directions (North, Skye)!
150 Names That Mean Traveler
Number | Name | Language | Meaning | Pronunciation (phonetic) |
1 | Aelred | Old English | Noble traveler | AY-el-red |
2 | Alan | Celtic | Wanderer | AL-an |
3 | Albert | Old German | Noble traveler | AL-bert |
4 | Alethea | Greek | Truthful traveler | A-lee-THEE-a |
5 | Alexander | Greek | Defender of mankind | A-lek-SAN-der |
6 | Alaric | Gothic | Ruler of all | AL-a-rik |
7 | Alistair | Scottish | Defender of mankind | A-lis-ter |
8 | Ambrose | Greek | Immortal | AM-brose |
9 | Andrew | Greek | Manly | AN-drew |
10 | Anya | Russian | Traveler | AN-ya |
11 | Ariel | Hebrew | Lion of God | A-ree-el |
12 | Arnold | Old German | Eagle ruler | AR-nold |
13 | Arthur | Celtic | Bear | AR-thur |
14 | Audrey | Old English | Noble strength | AW-dree |
15 | Austin | Latin | Majestic | AW-stin |
16 | Axel | Scandinavian | Father of peace | AK-sel |
17 | Bailey | Old English | Bailiff | BAY-lee |
18 | Beatrice | Latin | She who brings happiness | bee-A-tris |
19 | Benjamin | Hebrew | Son of the right hand | BEN-ja-min |
20 | Bethany | Hebrew | House of figs | beth-AN-ee |
21 | Blair | Gaelic | Field | BLAIR |
22 | Blake | Old English | Fair | BLAKE |
23 | Boris | Slavic | Fighter | BOR-is |
24 | Brandon | Old English | Hill | BRAN-don |
25 | Brent | Old English | Hill | BRENT |
26 | Brian | Celtic | Strong | BRY-an |
27 | Bridget | Irish | Exalted one | BRIJ-it |
28 | Brittany | Celtic | From Britain | BRI-tan-ee |
29 | Brooke | Old English | Brook | BROOKE |
30 | Bruce | Scottish | From Bruce | BROOS |
31 | Bryce | Scottish | From Bryce | BRYCE |
32 | Byron | Old English | From the barn | BY-ron |
33 | Cade | Welsh | Battle | CADE |
34 | Caleb | Hebrew | Dog | CA-leb |
35 | Cameron | Scottish | Crooked nose | CAM-er-on |
36 | Campbell | Scottish | Crooked mouth | CAM-bell |
37 | Carla | German | Free man | KAR-la |
38 | Carmen | Latin | Song | KAR-men |
39 | Casey | Irish | Watchful | KAY-see |
40 | Cassandra | Greek | She who excels in prophecy | ka-SAN-dra |
41 | Catherine | Greek | Pure | kath-uh-REEN |
42 | Chad | Old English | Warrior | CHAD |
43 | Chelsea | Old English | Chalk landing | CHEL-see |
44 | Chloe | Greek | Blooming | KLO-ee |
45 | Christian | Latin | Follower of Christ | KRIS-chan |
46 | Christopher | Greek | Christ-bearer | KRIS-to-fer |
47 | Clare | Latin | Clear | CLAIR |
48 | Clayton | Old English | Clay town | CLAY-ton |
49 | Clement | Latin | Merciful | CLEM-ent |
50 | Clifford | Old English | Cliff ford | CLIF-ford |
51 | Cody | Irish | Helpful | KO-dee |
52 | Colin | Gaelic | Young | KO-lin |
53 | Connor | Irish | Lover of hounds | KON-nor |
54 | Conrad | German | Bold counsel | KON-rad |
55 | Cora | Greek | Maiden | KOR-a |
56 | Corey | Irish | Hollow | KOR-ee |
57 | Craig | Scottish | Rock | CRAIG |
58 | Curtis | French | Courteous | KUR-tis |
59 | Dale | Old English | Valley | DALE |
60 | Damian | Greek | To tame | DAY-me-an |
61 | Dana | Irish | Fair | DAY-na |
62 | Daniel | Hebrew | God is my judge | DAN-yel |
63 | Dante | Italian | Enduring | DAN-tay |
64 | Darius | Persian | King | da-RYE-us |
65 | Darren | Irish | Oak tree | DAR-ren |
66 | David | Hebrew | Beloved | DAY-vid |
67 | Dean | Old English | Valley | DEEN |
68 | Deborah | Hebrew | Bee | DEB-o-rah |
69 | Derek | Dutch | Ruler of the people | DER-ik |
70 | Devin | Irish | Poet | DEV-in |
71 | Diana | Latin | Divine | dy-AN-a |
72 | Diego | Spanish | Son of James | dee-AY-go |
73 | Dillon | Irish | Loyal | DIL-lon |
74 | Dominic | Latin | Lord | DOM-in-ik |
75 | Donald | Scottish | Ruler of the world | DON-ald |
76 | Doris | Greek | Gift of the ocean | DOR-is |
77 | Drew | Welsh | Wise | DROO |
78 | Duncan | Scottish | Dark warrior | DUN-kan |
79 | Dustin | German | Brave warrior | DUS-tin |
80 | Dylan | Welsh | Son of the sea | DIL-an |
81 | Earl | Old English | Nobleman | EARL |
82 | Eden | Hebrew | Paradise | EE-den |
83 | Edward | Old English | Wealthy guardian | ED-ward |
84 | Eleanor | German | Light | EL-ee-nor |
85 | Elijah | Hebrew | My God is Yahweh | ee-LYE-jah |
86 | Elizabeth | Hebrew | My God is abundance | e-LIZ-a-beth |
87 | Emily | Latin | Rival | EM-i-lee |
88 | Emma | German | Universal | EM-ma |
89 | Eric | Old Norse | Eternal ruler | ER-ik |
90 | Erin | Irish | Ireland | ER-in |
91 | Ethan | Hebrew | Strong | EE-than |
92 | Evan | Welsh | Young warrior | EV-an |
93 | Ezekiel | Hebrew | God will strengthen | ee-ZEE-kee-el |
94 | Faith | Latin | Belief | FAITH |
95 | Felix | Latin | Happy | FEE-liks |
96 | Fiona | Scottish | Fair | fee-O-na |
97 | Francis | Latin | Frenchman | FRAN-sis |
98 | Frederick | German | Peaceful ruler | FRED-er-ik |
99 | Gabriel | Hebrew | God is my strength | GAY-bree-el |
100 | Gavin | Scottish | White hawk | GAV-in |
101 | Genevieve | French | White wave | jen-uh-VEEV |
102 | Geoffrey | German | Peace of God | JEFF-ree |
103 | George | Greek | Farmer | JORJ |
104 | Gerald | German | Spear ruler | JER-ald |
105 | Gianna | Italian | God is gracious | jee-AN-na |
106 | Grace | Latin | Favor | GRACE |
107 | Gregory | Greek | Watchful | GREG-o-ree |
108 | Gwen | Welsh | White | GWEN |
109 | Gwyn | Welsh | White | GWIN |
110 | Hadley | Old English | Heather field | HAD-lee |
111 | Haley | Old English | Hay meadow | HAY-lee |
112 | Hannah | Hebrew | Grace | HAN-nah |
113 | Harper | Old English | Harp player | HAR-per |
114 | Harrison | Old English | Son of Harry | HAR-ri-son |
115 | Hazel | Old English | Hazelnut tree | HAY-zel |
116 | Heather | Old English | Heather | HEE-ther |
117 | Heidi | German | Noble | HY-dee |
118 | Helen | Greek | Light | HEL-en |
119 | Henry | Old German | Ruler of the home | HEN-ry |
120 | Hilary | Latin | Cheerful | HIL-a-ree |
121 | Hope | Old English | Hope | HOPE |
122 | Ian | Scottish | God is gracious | ee-AN |
123 | Isaac | Hebrew | Laughter | EYE-zak |
124 | Isabella | Italian | God is my oath | i-za-BELL-a |
125 | Ivy | Old English | Ivy | EYE-vee |
126 | Jack | Old English | God is gracious | JAK |
127 | Jacob | Hebrew | Supplanter | JAY-cob |
128 | Jade | Spanish | Green stone | JADE |
129 | James | Hebrew | Supplanter | JAMES |
130 | Jane | Hebrew | God is gracious | JANE |
131 | Jasper | Persian | Treasure | JAS-per |
132 | Jason | Greek | Healer | JAY-son |
133 | Jeffrey | Old English | God’s peace | JEFF-ree |
134 | Jennifer | Cornish | White wave | JEN-ni-fer |
135 | Jeremy | Hebrew | Exalted by God | JER-e-mee |
136 | Jesse | Hebrew | Gift | JES-see |
137 | Jessica | Hebrew | God beholds | jes-SIK-a |
138 | Jillian | Latin | Youthful | JIL-lee-an |
139 | Joan | Hebrew | God is gracious | JOAN |
140 | John | Hebrew | God is gracious | JOHN |
141 | Jordan | Hebrew | Descending | JOR-dan |
142 | Joseph | Hebrew | God will add | JO-seph |
143 | Joshua | Hebrew | God is salvation | JOSH-u-a |
144 | Joyce | Latin | Joyful | JOICE |
145 | Julian | Latin | Youthful | JOO-lee-an |
146 | Justin | Latin | Just | JUS-tin |
147 | Karen | Danish | Pure | KAR-en |
148 | Katherine | Greek | Pure | kath-uh-REEN |
149 | Keith | Scottish | Forest | KEITH |
150 | Kelly | Irish | Warrior | KEL-lee |
A name that embodies the spirit of travel is a constant reminder of the boundless world waiting to be explored. It’s a whispered promise of adventures to come, of mountains to climb, and oceans to cross. With this guide as your compass, embark on your own journey to find the perfect name for your little explorer, a name that will carry them across continents and through